It has been a while since I’ve shared First Friday Faves, because…well…2020.
But at the nudging of a friend, I’m back trying to gather the good nuggets of this hardest of years. Because, yes. There has been some good in the midst of this season.
Here’s what I’ve loved for the past few – or maybe six – months.
Favorite Book
The Color of Compromise *- A look at the history of the church and race, this one provides a detailed historical look at the hard, painful truth of the church’s role in perpetuating systemic racism in America. This is a hard read and it has taken me all summer. Not because the writing is bad – quite the contrary. It is wonderfully written. It is hard to read as a white person who loves Jesus because it is quite clear that the sinfulness in which racism is rooted runs deep, deep, deep in the American church. Read this one friends. Do the hard work. It is an eye opener, and you’ll be left recoiling at the bright light that is shone on wrongs that I know broke Jesus’ heart.
Favorite Movie
On the Basis of Sex *- I’d watched this one earlier in 2020. And after the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, I cuddled up one evening, watched it again, and bawled my eyes out through the final courtroom scene (again). And do not get me started on the final scene on the steps of the Supreme Court. I do not care what your politics are. If you are an American, you need to watch this one. Disagree with her or not, the life path she was on, the adversity she overcame, and the manner with which she fought for every human to be seen as valued has impacted all of our lives. This is a beautiful movie that gives us a glimpse into not only the legal scholar, attorney, and future judge. It also shows her efforts to balance family life, a husband fighting cancer, and a teenage girl in her home. This one is now in my top five all time favorite movies.
Favorite Podcast Discoveries
Serial – I must have been living under a rock and was the only person not aware of this nugget of true crime docu-podcast. No, it is not about serial killers…I don’t think. I’m only about one season in. From the folks at This American Life, the storytelling here is fantastic. Following real life court cases, you will feel like you’re in the courtroom or on the legal team. And, you’ll see some gaping holes in our justice system – particularly that justice herself is not always blindfolded in our American justice system. Start with season one and take it from there.
Pantsuit Politics – In the midst of the most nasty political time I have ever experienced – and that I hope I will ever experience again – this podcast has been a good one. Here’s how they describe themselves online: “A podcast for real conversations that help us understand politics, democracy, and the news – while still treating each other like thoughtful human beings.” What a novel concept. Sarah and Beth, the show hosts, are well spoken, well read, and articulate. Oh, and they both happen to be Phi Mus! They do not agree on all issues. And that is the point, people. We can be friends and disagree. If you want a pretty well researched deep dive on all manner of topics, subscribe to this one.
Favorite Podcast Episodes
The Pivot – Episode 085 Barnabas Piper – This is a great episode with great insight about faith, what it looks like in our lives, and thoughts about the reality of being in relationship with others.
That Sounds Fun – Episode 240 Bear Rinehart – Our girl Annie spent an hour with my favorite front man. Bear Rinehart is the lead singer of NEEDTOBREATHE and it turns out he doesn’t just write great lyrics. His insight into life, parenting, the pandemic, and prayer are spot on. And his comments about “measured prayers” are still rolling around in my mind about a month after I listened. This is a really good one.
The Grove Podcast – A God Defense: Shelley Giglio and Jennie Allen – There are so many wonderful encouragements in this one as Shelley Giglio addresses honoring God during adversity. Timely and encouraging, this one was just what I needed after a series of long, hard days.
Armchair Expert – Episode 252 Bob Woodward – Warning…this one has words my mom doesn’t like. But, it is outstanding. I’ve been a little obsessed with Bob Woodward ever since I heard the words Deep Throat the first time. He’s covered almost 50 years of presidents and as Dax goes into depth to demonstrate, he’s an equal opportunity critic of administrations.
Favorite New Album
NEEDTOBREATHE – Out Of Body * – I am unabashed in my love of NEEDTOBREATHE, but their latest release may be my favorite collection of their work. The tone is just what my pandemic-weathered soul needs. Highly recommend this one.
Favorite Cookies
Yes. This can be a category. My blog. My decision.
Sweet Lorens Gluten Free Cookies – Good golly, miss Molly. If you eat gluten free by health need or by choice, these are the most amazing cookies. Even better, they are the slice and bake variety and can be found right beside your usual Nestle Tollhouse. They are so good that some of my non-gluten free friends choose these over the other options. So very yummy.
*Some recommendations above include affiliate links. If you purchase these items, I may be compensated.
Yay, 2020 favorites! You gave me so much to look into, Jennifer! Yes, the cookie category is very necessary.
Yes to the cookie category. And share back if there is anything I need to check out for a future favorites post!