“Is It Time To Dream Again?” on The Next Right Thing with Emily P. Freeman – Talk about timely. This one released a couple weeks ago, but I listened to it on March 4. In my world here in Atlanta, that was a week shy of the one-year mark into this pandemic. And my soul needed this discussion. This is a good one.
The Pivot with Andrew Osenga – I have shared episodes from this one before, but today I’m sharing the podcast in general. In a year when we have all had to pivot in ways we didn’t see coming, this one has been so encouraging. The reminder that none of us follow a linear path in life is what my soul has needed this year. Each episode profiles someone who has made a major change (or two) in life. Plenty of variety. Lots of different perspectives. And, did I mention that Andrew used to be with Caedmon’s Call? Enough said.
Pharmaceutical Company
Moderna – I am one of the lucky ones. One of the 23-ish million or so Americans who have had at least the first shot of the COVID vaccine. I got mine this week. Because I work at a school. Early on in this pandemic, I remember listening to a podcast where an expert shared the fastest timeframe in which the world had brought a vaccine safely to market. It was five years and the measles vaccine. When I heard that, I cried. The thought of living this distanced, masked, fearful life for five years was too much. I am so unbelievably in awe of and so thankful for the humans who have done the unthinkable. They got a vaccine developed, tested, and approved for emergency use in under a year. Getting this shot was my favorite part of not just this week. It tops the list of favorites from the past 12-months. Thank you to anyone and everyone who made this happen. I am grateful.