“Hold on to Hope” on The Next Right Thing – Gosh this was encouraging. In the midst of madness and all that seems to be overwhelming in the world right now, this was a real call to peace and hope. I love Emily’s approach to this podcast. Short. Encouraging. And have I mentioned her soothing voice? This one is about 20-minutes your heart might need right now.
The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill – No one has ever accused me of being an early adopter, so fair disclosure that this is not a new podcast. BUT, new episodes are still coming out. This is from the reporters at Christianity Today and is both disturbing, fascinating, discouraging, and a good warning for Christian community on how careful we need to be when determining what humans we will follow and the behavior we will tolerate. This is a hard listen at times, but I think it is worth it if you live or work in faith community.
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave – I listened to this one on Audible and it may have directly contributed to an increase in my daily average step count since I listen mostly on walks. It is so good and was just the sort of non-terrifying thriller I needed. If you need a good read/listen, this one is a good choice for sure.