As we gear up to start another school year, I’m resharing a post from earlier this year mostly to remind myself of a good filter through which to make decisions and commitments.
You are not superwoman. And neither am I.
But let’s be real. We are all running and living and striving and expecting superhuman things from our human selves. Schedules with no margin to breathe…or use the restroom. Meals eaten standing up…or during another Zoom meeting with our camera politely turned off. To-do lists that no human could possibly tackle in a day…or a month. And don’t even get me started on running the gauntlet of after school/work to do’s we give ourselves and our families…when did I start thinking I could do Algebra, make dinner, and quiz a kid for an English test when my brain is fried by 6 p.m.?
There’s just enough Presbyterian running through me that I love the Westminster Confession of Faith. A series of questions and responses, in seasons of my life, this has been a wonderful north star reminding me of the basics of my faith. And it starts with a profound anchor.
What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Westminster Confession of Faith
When my to-do list is my own, when I contort myself and my calendar to squeeze in just one more ounce of people-pleasing disguised as productivity, when I won’t say no out of fear of being left out or overlooked in the future, I am not setting my aim to glorify God.
Glorify God. Enjoy Him forever.
When we make commitments, when we choose to say yes, when we choose to say no, is our motivation to use our waking hours to glorify God? Or is it to elevate ourselves, keep the peace, or please the people?
Glorify God. Enjoy Him forever.
We are not superheroes. And we were never called to be. When we are looking and longing for freedom, let’s remember this. Make this the lens through which we make our choices, commitments, and priorities.
Glory to a loving, present God Who loves me enough that He wants to rest in the enjoyment of each other…forever.