For a while this year, I tried weekly lists of my favorites from the week. It worked for about two weeks, and then I felt like I was being something of a forced Buddy the Elf. Not all weeks, it…
The Most Unexpected Redemption
News to a teenager broke 400 years of silence. And in so doing, broke every cultural norm and expectation. She was unmarried, yet pregnant. He was a baby born into the most common of circumstances yet was the Savior of…
He Came
December 2020. Remember that dark Christmas? It was something. And while we have collectively, hopefully rounded a corner on the pandemic, I bet there are some of us who are looking down the tunnel of a dark, hard end of…
When Christmas Hurts
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” John 1:14 They were everywhere. Each flicker of the flashlight confirmed the task at hand was not complete. And my skin was crawling. “Honey, do you need a drink?” My dad’s offer…
You Are Not Alone
When life takes a turn and a marriage falls apart, isolation doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling of those initial days. Compounding the disorientation can be fear, shame, and absolutely soul-crushing heartbreak. Factor in faith community and those feelings…