We are born with reflexes. Physical reflexes exist to keep us safe (and freak us out as a little kid at the pediatrician’s office). But, our relationship reflexes are things we train ourselves to do over time based on past…
The Grace of the Benefit of the Doubt
Recently on a Saturday morning, I enjoyed the rare experience of a slow start, leisurely coffee and quiet time, and then a solo trip to the grocery store. It is telling that I’ve reach the point in life where that…
Seasons of Loneliness
I’ve got a middle schooler. Dang it that is hard to type since I still feel like he just started kindergarten yesterday. But, nope. He’s finishing up his first year in middle school. And with a middle schooler in the…
Resource: Therapy and Theology Podcast Series
This spring, the team over at Proverbs31.org delivered a fantastic podcast series called “Therapy and Theology.” There are multiple episodes: Why Therapy and Theology (first aired 3/16/2019) Forgiveness, Redemption, and Reconciliation (first aired 3/26/2019) Finding Redemption When Reconciliation Isn’t Possible…
Unfathomable Forgiveness
One of my kiddos loves to listen to books on Audible when we go on road trips. The other loves music, so we’ve transformed an old iPhone into basically a large iPod and combine that with her Hello Kitty headphones…