“Gentle and Lowly: The heart of Chris for sinners and sufferers” by Dane Ortlund – This one is such a wonderful look at the heart of Christ, how that squares with what our humanness assumes about Jesus, and how we can be more like who He actually is. I am reading it with the study guide and am finding that I really like that approach.
“I Kissed Christianity Goodbye” on the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill – This was a great parallel episode that relates to the Mars Hill story in that it gives another concrete example of the damage unchecked spiritual abuse and poor church leadership can do the people’s lives.
“Money and Faith with Trevor Cochrane” on The Small Group Show – I loved this episode with one of the hosts and her husband talking about finances and faith. Trevor is a financial advisor, so he’s got some credibility. And they were pretty transparent about managing finances in their own household.
“So Beautiful and Awful” on Terrible Thanks for Asking – This incredible true story out of a community in Georgia is moving, devastating, and laced with clinging to faith when the world falls apart.