“The Finish: The Killing of Osama Bin Laden” by Mark Bowden – OK. This is admittedly a bit of a left turn. But stay with me. My oldest is a history buff and I’m scrambling to try to find some content to satisfy his interests, his love of reading, but also keep the reigns on the content given his age. So, we listened to this one together. Mark Bowden does an excellent job given extremely deep context (like back to the 1970’s context) for how we got to 9/11 and how the United States finally found Osama Bin Laden. He loved the historic details and the military details. I actually found it to be a very interesting look at organizational culture and what it takes to convince people to change the way they are working.
Sermon Series
“Mean People and What to Do About Them” at North Point Community Church – I loved this two part series and found some great reminders, encouragements, and even pats on the back in this look at the reality of mean people in our lives and how to handle that in a God-honoring way.