Heads up! The next First 5 Bible study has been announced and it starts July 22. This one is called “Already But Not Yet” and it studies the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude. Here’s an overview of the study from the Proverbs31 website:
How do you stay hopeful when today is so hard? Right now, there’s a gap between your current circumstances and what you’ve prayed for God to do. Sometimes in the wait — maybe in the first few days or weeks — it’s easy to trust God with your prayers and have hope. But what about when those days and weeks turn into months and years? Whatever you’re waiting on, we’re here to find hope in the hard days alongside you.
I am a big fan of the First5 app. I’ve loved Jesus a long time, but I always struggled with consistently spending time in the Bible. If I wasn’t in a group Bible study, it simply didn’t happen with regularity. A little over a year ago, I found this app and I can say that I have spent time consistently studying God’s word (almost) daily ever since. If you only do the app (which is free), each day’s devotion takes no more than five minutes. If you get the experience guide (which I recommend), it may take ten minutes. Each weekend there is a longer audio teaching about the previous week.
Highly recommend this one. If you decide to do it, let me know so I know who I can debrief with! You can learn more and order an experience guide here.