July is my favorite month – the heart of summer break, 4th of July festivities, and it is my birthday month. In all this favorite-ness, I ran across a lot of favs to share. Here goes…
Favorite Podcast Episode
The Pivot – Episode 64. 059 – Diana Beach Batarseh – I’ve only recently discovered this podcast and man, it is great. The entire focus of each episode is talking through various pivots in people’s lives. This episode is outstanding and has nuggets of truth planted throughout. Highly recommend.
Favorite Movie
Apollo 11 Documentary – CNN Movies – This past month was the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. CNN has put together a fantastic documentary using only original video and audio from the days before, during, and after the launch and moon landing. I’ve watched it once with my 11- and 9-year old and then again with my parents who both remember exactly where they were that day. It was a hit across three generations. Don’t miss this one if you are even remotely a space or history buff.
Favorite Book
Leadership and Self-Deception by the Arbinger Institute – My team at work has been working through books together and discussing them this calendar year. This is the one we are wrapping up now. I’m no author and this one has been wildly successful, but I have to admit the title is not compelling. But, trust me. Stick with this one. I looks like a business book, but it is about relationships and while not religious in nature, ultimately it is about loving people as people. Just like Jesus.
Favorite Snack(s)
Everything Bagel Hummus by Boars Head – Ya’ll. Stop what you are doing now and run, don’t walk, to your grocery store and get this stuff. Dip whatever you want in it, or you could do like I caught my little doing and use your fingers (cringe-ish, yes, but this stuff is so good I kind of get it).
OK….it was my birthday month AND a girls weekend was involved. So, the snack list is larger than the norm.
Bryers Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ice Cream – You may hate me for this recommendation. I refuse to keep it in the house and will only eat it again in the company of others to provide the accountability I need to keep from eating the whole dang carton. I apologize in advance for spreading this knowledge.
As a partaker in above mentioned snacks, I can vouch 100% that these are amazing…and may be taking up space in my refrigerator and freezer!! 😁
Of course they are…because you are smart! That hummus and that ice cream have changed my life…and potentially my waistline.