The Lazy Genius – Man, oh man, I love this one. Talk about keeping what matters in perspective? Kendra Adachi is fantastic at not shirking responsibilities that really do matter, but focusing on what really does matter…and then figuring out what the heck to do with what doesn’t. The episode from earlier this month on naming what matters was a great boost for me during a recent Sunday walk. And I hear her laundry episodes is epic…and I hate laundry. Thinking this one is about to become a regular part of my pod routine.
Didn’t I Just Feed You? – Yeah they had me at the title of this podcast. After spending the spring working and schooling from home, I have come to appreciate the reality that children are never NOT hungry. This one is pretty good for an occasional change of pace. The hosts are moms who are really candid and honest, and I picked up several great ideas for making breakfast a little easier in our house.
RX Nut Butter – Vanilla Almond Butter – This discovery via friends at work has changed my snack life. This is the best almond butter, and trust me when I say I normally go not like things that are vanilla flavored. It is not too sweet, is rich in the best way, it super easy in its own little portion controlling pouch, and is heavenly smeared all over honey crisp apples. You’re welcome.
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