“Why Reading the Bible is So Weird” on the Small Group Show – This is an honest discussion about why the Bible doesn’t always make sense to us, things to consider when reading the Bible, and more. Great discussion and gave me some things to consider.
“How to Start Thinking Like a Breadwinner and Take Charge of Your Financial Future” on Smart Money Mamas – I am really loving Smart Money Mamas and this was a great episode. Even if you already are financially savvy, and even if you are the breadwinner (or the sole earner in your family). I found this one to be affirming on some things I already knew and practice, and it was a great perspective on some other things I haven’t considered.
Pharmaceutical Geniuses
Pfizer – Earlier this spring, Moderna got some love when I got my first shot. Well, this week it is Pfizer’s turn. My precious boy is getting his first shot and his mother is elated and relieved. Thank you to all the smarty pants people who made this happen, safely and quickly.